Sunday, 13 November 2011

Another Rant

     Why do people change just around one person?  I mean really, you don't need to act like someone your not just because someone new is in the room.  How do I know this?  Let's just say, personal experiences.  It amazes me to see how much one person changes, just because they think that they don't fit in with the other people.  I swear if stuff like this keeps up, I may just start speaking up, and saying what I think.  I am really tired of all this.  For example, I'm over at a friends right now, and of course I am not the only one over.  But really, just because someone else is over, my other friend starts acting like a complete different person to me.  She is acting like a complete ..... (word not appropriate).  I wish that she would just realize that she needs to stop all of this.  It is really starting to piss me off, and frankly as I'm concerned I am a third wheel right now.  (Sorry for the rant guys had to get it off my chest).

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